Monday, June 20, 2011

Longitudinal Waves vs. Transverse Waves

We are whirling through endless space, with an inconceivable speed, all around everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere there is energy. There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides. The mere contemplation of these magnificent possibilities expand our minds, strengthens our hopes and and fills our hearts with supreme delight.
- Nikola Tesla
(When Tesla refers to "the medium" or "the natural medium" he means The Ether.)

Transverse vs. Longitudinal Waves, courtesy Borderlands Sciences Research Foundation
Excellent Demonstration and explanation by Eric Dollard.

Really cool video of Dolphins manipulating rings of air with their natural ultrasound abilities.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wilhelm Reich

We shall no longer hang on to the tails of public opinion or to a non-existent authority on matters utterly unknown and strange. We shall gradually become experts ourselves in the mastery of the knowledge of the future.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Electro-Radiant Event

Summary of The Electro-Radiant Event

1. The Electro-Radiant Event is produced when a high-voltage, direct current is discharged across a spark-gap and interrupted abruptly before any reversals of current can occur.

2. This effect is gready increased when the source of direct current is a charged capacitor.

3. The Electro- Radiant Event leaves wires and other circuit components perpendicular to the flow of current.

4. The Electro-Radiant Event produces a spatially distributed voltage that can be thousands of times higher than the initial spark discharge voltage.

5. It propagates instantaneously as a longitudinal, electrostatic "light-like ray" that behaves similarly to an incompressible gas under pressure.

6. Electro-Radiant effects are solely characterized by impulse duration and voltage drop in the spark-gap.

7. Electro-Radiant effects penetrate all materials and create "electronic responses" in metals like copper and silver. In this case, "electronic responses" means that an electrical charge will build up on copper surfaces exposed to Electro-Radiant emissions

8. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 microseconds are completely safe to handle and will not cause shock or harm.

9. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 nanoseconds are cold and easily cause lighting effects in vacuum globes.

Quoted from "The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity", (c) 2000 Dr. Peter Lindemann, D. Sc.

See Also: The Electro-Radiant Event: A picture and description of Edwin Gray's Conversion Element Switching Tube
See Also: Glo Regulator, aka. "Ion Tube" and more on Edwin Gray

Monday, June 6, 2011

Single Electrode Plasma Tubes

These were made in a neon sign studio. They are similar to the single-electrode tubes used by Tesla for illumination as well as those he used to project streams of aether. Royal Raymond Rife used single-electrode tubes powered by a Tesla Coil to treat cancer.

Each tube contains a different gas: Argon, Neon, and Argon with Mercury.

Dayton Miller Aether Drift Experiments

Dayton Miller's Aether Drift Experiments

"My opinion about Miller's experiments is the following. ... Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however, they would have to lead to a significantly different theory."
— Albert Einstein, in a letter to Edwin E. Slosson, 8 July 1925 (from copy in Hebrew University Archive, Jerusalem.) See [link above] citations below for Silberstein 1925 and Einstein 1926.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Explanation of Tesla and Edwin Gray Patents

Hello Tesla Society,

I would like to call your attention to one of Nikola Tesla's patents, to show similarities to the circuit drawings I sent you, and the patent of Edwin Gray. All three devices work on the same principle.

The two patents can be found here:


US Patent 4,595,975 Edwin Gray "Efficient Power Supply Suitable for Inductive Loads"

The circuit drawings I sent you are my simplified version of Edwin Gray's device. In Fig. 2 of Gray's patent, you see his "Conversion Element Switching Tube". This is the device I brought to our first meeting, which consists of a stainless steel shaft running through two concentric copper pipes; the shaft terminates in a spark gap.

The device shown in Fig.1 of the Tesla patent and the device shown in Fig.1 of the Edwin Gray patent are essentially the same device. They operate on the same principle.

In Tesla's patent, the "Primary", K, in Fig. 1 corresponds to the "High Voltage Anode" in Gray's "Conversion Element Switching Tube" (Fig.2), or the stainless steel shaft in my device.

In Tesla's patent, the "Secondary", L, in Fig. 1 corresponds to the "Charge Collecting Grid" in Gray's "Conversion Element Switching Tube" (Fig.2), or the two concentric copper pipes in my device.

In Tesla's patent, the Rotary Spark Gap, C, in Fig. 1 corresponds to the Commutator (26) and Triode (28) in Gray's Fig. 1. For our device we can use a spark gap and a Transmitter Tube, or a spark gap and a heavy duty FET.

It is essential to understand that the "Primary" and "Secondary" in Tesla's patent DO NOT constitute a magnetically coupled transformer. This is an electrostatic device.

The type of current which flows through the "Primary", K, in Tesla's patent, is a rapid succession of short, sharp pulses of DC. It is NOT a sinusoidal AC waveform. This patent is from 1896. By 1892, Tesla had abandoned all work with AC, and had begun experiments with pulsed DC, what he called "Impulse Currents".

I hope this helps everyone understand what is going on in these devices. On Friday I'll try to bring physical examples of both so you can get a "hands-on" feeling for how they are similar.


The Olympia Tesla Society meets Fridays at 6:00pm at Le Voyeur, 404 E. 4th Ave., in Downtown Olympia.

Weights and Measures

When transmitting and receiving Radiant Energy waves, you experience maximum energy transfer when the mass of the transmitting conductor equals the mass of the receiving conductor.

Here are some measurements I've taken to help you choose the dimensions of your Radiant Energy device.

5/8" Stainless Steel Rod
382g / 244 mm = 1.57g/mm

1/2" Stainless Steel Rod
914.14g / 915mm = 1g/mm

3/8" Stainless Steel Rod
512.57g / 913 mm = 0.56g/mm

1/4" Stainless Steel Rod
236g / 915 mm = 0.26g/mm

1/2" Graphite Rod
47.6g / 236mm = 0.20g/mm

DIY Tesla Radiant Energy Device

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest electrical engineers of all time. We have him to thank for the Polyphase AC system which today provides electrical power to homes and industry worldwide. Perhaps less well known are Tesla's advances with what he called "Radiant Energy". By 1892, Tesla had largely abandoned work with AC, calling it a "failed experiment". The next fifty years of his life were dedicated to work with Impulse Currents, streams of Aether, and Radiant Energy.

"What is Radiant Energy?" you well may ask. Tesla describes it as a longitudinal wave, like a sound wave, of electrically neutral particles of very small but non-zero mass. He calls these particles the Aether, and states that the Aether behaves like an incompressible gas. Tesla wrote that the Earth is constantly being showered with Radiant Energy. Some of it comes from the sun, but most of it comes from other stars and celestial bodies. It rains down upon the Earth in waves with definite frequencies: wum wum wum wum! What we call "electric current" is a flowing mixture of electrons and Aether. It is possible to separate one from the other, and thereby produce phenomena which cannot be adequetly explained using Maxwell's Equations.

Physicists today say that there is no such thing as the Aether. There is no such thing as a flow of electrically neutral particles of very small but non-zero mass, called The Aether, pouring out of the sun and raining down upon the Earth. But there is such a thing as a flow of electrically neutral particles of very small but non-zero mass, called Neutrinos, pouring out of the sun and raining down upon the Earth. Well, that's modern physics for you. I challenge all you Aether-denying physicists to keep a straight face while you try to explain the existance of Dark Matter and Quintessence.

Tesla first discovered Radiant Energy when he was discharging high voltage capacitors across a spark gap. When the spark jumped, Tesla felt a sensation as if he had been slapped in the face and electrocuted at the same time. He imagined that he had been struck by an electrified soundwave of ionized air. In order to avoid this painful experience, he tried standing behind glass and copper shields, but neither one could protect him from the shock. If these were electrified soundwaves, how could the air go through glass? If this was an electrostatic field, how could it go through the copper? Tesla eventually concluded that he was indeed being struck by a soundwave, but not one composed of air. It was a soundwave in a medium so rarified that it could pass readily through both glass and copper. That medium is The Aether.

Prior to Einstein's publication in 1905 of his theory of 'light quanta', it was an established scientific fact that all space is pervaded by a neutral, elemental noble gas called the Aether. Dmitri Mendeleev, the inventor of the Periodic Table of the Elements, wrote in 1904 that he believed there to be two more elements which come before Hydrogen, and should be placed in the column of Noble Gasses such as Argon and Neon. The first element he called Coronium, because his colleagues had discovered its existence by examining the spectroscopic lines of the sun's corona, the same way they had discovered Argon earlier. The second and lighter element he wrote must be the gas which comprises the Aether.

If you want to get frisky with the Aether, here's how you do it: You need a rapid succession of high voltage DC pulses, shorter than 100 microseconds. Between 10-50 microseconds is the range I'm working with. High frequency AC will not work, because the integral of a sinusoidal AC wave is zero. If you use AC, zero energy will be conveyed to the Aether. 3,000 volts DC should be enough. Try adjusting the duty-cycle of your pulse and see what happens. You also need a physical spark gap. You can switch the circuit with a transmitter tube or a large FET, but you must also have a physical spark gap. This is where the electrons separate from the Aether.

A capacitor charged to 3,000 volts can easily kill a human being, even when the device is turned off. If you want to experiment with the Aether, please learn and practice proper safety precautions for dealing with High Voltage.

When the switching mechanism in your circuit fires, electrons and aether will travel through it from the cathode to the anode. They will then flow to one terminal of the spark gap, and attempt to jump across it, in order to reach the high voltage side. The trick is to have your switching mechanism turn off before the spark has jumped all the way across the spark gap. If you set the gap distance just so, and if you time it just right, the electrons will get stuck on the low-voltage side of the spark gap, while the Aether rushes ahead into the high-voltage side. Pure Aether freed of electrons likes to shoot out of conductors in all directions perpendicular to the surface of the conductor. Now you've got Radiant Energy!

So longitudinal Aether waves are radiating out of your device. Cool. If these waves impact a piece of metal, they will initiate electron movements in it. Tesla says that Radiant Energy actually manufactures electrons when it hits metal. Either way, you can use Radiant Energy to create currents in metal objects a distance away from your Radiant Energy transmitter. You will experience maximum energy transfer when the receiving piece of metal has the same mass (weight) as the conductor from which the Radiant Energy emanates. This is important.

Please note that Radiant Energy is not an electrostatic field and cannot be shielded with grounded conductors. Radiant Energy is also not a transverse electromagnetic wave, and signal strength does not drop off at 1/d^2. Any conductor which is struck by Radiant Energy, will experience Ampere forces and current will flow through it. So you might want to take you cell phone out of your pocket as well as all metal objects.

If you want to get really fancy, use two big turns of steel cable as your "high voltage anode". Now make a cone-shaped spiral of thick copper wire, or 3/8th copper tubing. Remember, the cone-shaped spiral has to *weigh* the same amount as the steel cable loop. Make sure there's room between the turns of wire on your cone; they should not touch each other. Now place the cone in the middle of the steel cable circle. This is a true Tesla Coil. Fire it up and stand back!

If you do it right, you will succeed in creating the flowing silvery white streams of Aether which Tesla describes, which feel warm to the touch but will not harm living beings. You may succeed in producing the blood-red, or sky-blue Aether flares as Tesla did as well. Try making your spark gap out of different materials (hint: carbon in a vacuum tube filled with nitrogen). If you have purple lightning coming out of your device, as many so-called "Tesla Coil" builders do, then you're doing something wrong. Purple lightning indicates the presence of electrons. If you have a white discharge surrounded by blue dartlets, then you're on the right track. The white stuff is the pure Aether. The blue or purple stuff is the electrons, which you are trying to get rid of by not letting them through the spark gap. Electrons can hurt or kill you; Aether will not, as long as your DC pulses are shorter than 100 microseconds. When you get good at it, try making a super-luminal intersteller communications device. Aether waves can travel faster than the so-called "speed of light". Try lining up your aether streams with the naturally occuring ones inside the Earth and its atmosphere. Try focusing and directing your aether streams using single-electrode neon tubes (called "plasma tubes"). The air around your device may become strangely self-luminous, giving a light with a quality akin to that of sunlight. This light will not show up in photographs. Prolonged experimentation with Aether technology may attract the attention of scientists from other stars.


James Clerk Maxwell has a set of four equations named after him, which supposedly can be used to mathematically describe all electromagnetic phenomena. If you open any college physics textbook, you will find these equations in vector calculus form. It may be of some interest to the serious student that Maxwell himself never published any work containing these equations. His equations were written in Quaternion Algebra. It is commonly asserted that the vector calculus form of Maxwell's Equations are simply equivalent to his originals, but in a form that is much easier to work with. Those who ascribe to this point of view neglect the fact that aspects of physical reality described by Maxwell's original Quaternion equations are wholly missing from the vector calculus form. Be a gentleman to Mother Nature. She's a classy lady.